Last Week the JBK Instructors Tracy Gibson and Mat Goodwin conducted an intensive 5 Day Sea skills program for 8 Candidates of Cert 4 Sea Kayaking Specialty in Outdoor Education at Charles Sturt University and Goulbourn Valley Tafe. This course encompassed the necessary Units of Competency for the Diploma and the
Australian Canoeing Sea Skills Award. Beginning with the JBK Sea Skills 1 & 2, followed by an extended day trip,Rolling Course, and Sea Skills 3 the candidates spent the week developing and honing skills in a variety of environments.
Day 1 - at the JBK Store at Huskisson
After a successful week of solid paddling and theory, candidates undertook their final assessment with Ross Boardman in Sea Conditions on a magnificent day on Jervis Bay with a journey into the open sea past Bowen Island. Rescue Scenarios were thrown into mix as paddlers problem solved towing, injured paddler management and equipment variances.
Rescue Practice inside Bowen Island All 8 Candidates, exhibited sound kayak rolling technique and a great week was enjoyed by all involved. A further
JBK Sea Kayaking Guide Course is to be conducted later in the year to progress the Candidates to the Professional Levels of Competency.
Surf Skills at Sussex Inlet River BarWe would like to congratulate all participants on their effort throughout the week, as their attentiveness, willingness to learn and punctuality to each session made this course a pleasure to conduct, and we are proud to be associated with Charles Sturt University and Goulbourn Valley Tafe.
Rafted up off Bowen Island - from Left ( Sam, Keiran, Jake, Kim, Kashar, Krysten, Kye, and Craig)
Ross Boardman
Australian Canoeing Sea Kayaking Assessor